Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Various Methods to Control Mosquitoes

Mosquito bite! It is really something cause headache to each and every individual. Controlling mosquitoes is the only way to keep away the diseases caused by the mosquito bite. You can maintain your local mosquito population under control by removing their habitat on your property, and stay away from their irritating bites by using the right repellents and barriers. Here are some tips to control mosquitoes and there by improve your health conditions.

Since mosquitoes need water (especially stagnant or slow moving water) to breed, eliminate these water sources. Remove standing water in old tires, plastic covers, buckets, aluminum cans, toys, or any other container where mosquitoes can live and breed. Keep gutters clean and unclogged. Keep swimming pools cleaned and chlorinated otherwise your swimming pool will be a mosquitoes breeding place. To destroy potential mosquito habitats, change the water in bird baths, wading pools, fountains, rain barrels, and potted plant trays at least one time a week.

Keep ornamental ponds aerated to remain water moving. It discourages mosquitoes from laying eggs. You can also stock the pond with mosquito-eating fish. Adult mosquitoes rest throughout the day, usually on tall weeds and other vegetation. By mowing the lawn regularly, you can make your yard less hospitable to mosquitoes.

Door screens and window should be 16-18 mesh and fit snugly, with no gaps around the edges. Replace your outdoor lights with yellow "bug" lights. Treat clothing, sunshades, and screen houses with a permithrin-based product, such as Permanone. It not only repels both mosquitoes and ticks, but also will last through several washes on your clothing. When outdoors, use head nets, long sleeves and long pants. You can also apply a DEET free mosquito repellent according to the directions on the label.

You can also use natural mosquito repellent soaps that are available commercially. These products are effective against adult and larval mosquitoes. A light spray application around building foundations, shrubs, and grasses will keep adult mosquitoes from resting in these areas. Before purchasing, look for EPA-approved products. If used in windless conditions, use of some other repellent products - such as mosquito coils and citronella candles - may also be effectual. Make use of only EPA-registered mosquito repellents and follow label directions and precautions closely.

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